Cool and Warm

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Around November and December
the temperature
differs in coordination with the shift of weather’s force
as the forecast says a storm’s coming
that will go against the norm
therefore, we try to make it warm
it’s a part of human nature, and nature
but rest assured,
weather makes the best of us stressed, I’m sure
but when it’s cold, people wanna be warm, so
'to ensure we endure
find a cure for the temperature!'
Now Mother Nature’s leaves are in a bunch
so she tries to make it warmer, but it takes a couple months
in the summer, people want it sunny when they're leaving school
but they're spending every second of that season trying to keep it cool
we need some rules in the atmosphere
we go around the full cycle pleasing half the sphere
We know Hot n Cold but they are doomed for war
what would happen if we had Cool and Warm?
when fools are born they have one of two options
one they can be cold and one that they can be hot in
I’m not interested in talking bout the topic
but my points would be plotted in a spot around the Tropics
cold freezes snow, in degrees low enough to hate
excess amounts of heat make us suffocate
so what’s the fate of Mother Nate,
how does she stay obedient?
well, guess she’s gotta find a median
opposites attract but not in this fashion
obstacles are conquered when we gotta take action
in awe of all the chatting, there are two options for you
choose to choose or choose not to choose
it’s a one and done conundrum when
you’re wondering which one you want
not always black and white, but who’s to say that colors judge?
there’s a temperature for every girl and boy
so just opt for an option it’s yours to enjoy
two polar opposites
no equator
geography’s improbable when Earth has haters
‘cause there’s an astronomical amount of space invaders
who keep praying for a savior then voting for Darth Vader
There’s not a fault in our stars, there’s a war
No one wants to win, they just want a fair score
There is something in the water, something in the air, forcing
us to eat the bad apple with the worm at the core
but there are numerous ways to keep a group in its place
you leave ‘em cooped in a cage, or get ‘em neutered and spayed
oh, what I’d do for the day when people knew what they say
are just the stupidest phrases that can ruin the nation
we 'aint fluent in truth, we lie in our own roots
screw an air conditioner we need air shampoo
we can spend our days obeying to the chairman’s group
or be free to understand what some fair plans do
is your inferior world view one waging universally?
scared of how it hurts to freeze and worried for the burning heat
if you trade your freedom for a false state of security
you’re smashing the thermometer and dumping out the mercury
you’ll never drop but you’ll never rise either
where’s logic clipping your wings so you can fly higher?
deny gravity, you’re nothing but a lie cryer
and it’s my life, I’ll be Hot or Cold if I wanna
opposites attract but not in this fashion
obstacles are conquered when we gotta take action
in awe of all the chatting, there are two options for you
choose to choose or choose not to choose
it’s a one and done conundrum when
you’re wondering which one you want
not always black and white, but who’s to say that colors judge?
there’s a temperature for every girl and boy
so just opt for an option it’s yours to enjoy
but when you take a step back,
cool & warm 'aint the solution
in fact, it's actually pretty stupid
they screw with the axis
they hack and program it
to act as a one track mind wreaking havoc
Hot and Cold are outliers of a certain nature
To rid us of opinions, cool and warm are the perpetrators
they’re the perfect traitors acting like they’ll terminate the world
of hurtful haters, dirt and craters, and all of the Earth’s dictators
while doing so, they ascertain new meanings
cool and warm turn the sky into a room with ceilings
if they’re the only options, and they still don’t agree,
they’re limiting the field of what we can and can’t believe
soon, all of humans could be robots only breathing
no harm but no healing
no emoitons, no feelings
forced to rid extremes of the spectrum
and next they’ll only be one left
the medium
the medium
the medium
we would all succumb to the medium
a new media
the mean, the mode, the range are all the new median
of the entire nation
you'll either get what you want
or you'll die waiting
you might be saying
"oh well, I'm patient!"
well time 'aint
and I'd consider that an entire life wasted
the medium
the medium
we would all succumb to the medium
the medium
the medium
we would all succumb to the medium
the medium
the medium
we would all succumb to the medium
the medium
the medium
we would all succumb to the medium

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Member since October 9 2014

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