beware (of me)

• Written by Anonymous

When i said it was over
i shot right through your heart
why let my shit tear what we had right apart
you knew i was bad
you shoulda seen it coming right from the start
you should beware beware beware
of the one who broke your heart
i know i called you the crazy one with the problems
everyone believed me saying kick her out pronto
but what they dont know is that i played the bigger role
moved you out of your broken home into my bedroom
the circumstances too complex to grasp and digest
the sad thing is that we never really had a chance
You had a new home a
i didnt truly understand what was going through your mind
so scared of being alone is why you never left my side
couldnt get the space needed so i snorted and speeded
that happy place slowly turned me into a demon
unhappy so i blew the focs up my nose to cope
used to put you at fault calling you fucking crazy
serious pressure squarely placed on me
i was 19 and we were practically married
you cheated like i cheated but that was on me
i played some sick games with your mentality
i know youd agree it was all a tragedy
remember how we broke up tripping on acid
how we both lied there explaining our past actions
its sad that we never really got passed them
at least i never did its hard to ration
in the end you would become my bestest friend
got you out of your broken home wit abusive rents
shit my mom even became ur legal guardian

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