War Poettry (Completed)
• Written by Quis
Quis's Notes
Words that are placed in brackets "[]" are the primary rhymes.
Words that are "ALL CAP" are the secondary rhymes.
Sorry for just making snippets. don't have time to do full songs right now. hope y'all like it. feel free to feedback
Everytime I told you my dreams
Y'all always laugh at me
But then y'all stop
You don't think it's funny anymore
The Pen and paper [clashin], beat [blastin], words flow to [match it]
end up [craftin] A picture that God can’t even [imagination]
It’s a heaven like place with a couple of stairs [passin it]
At the top of them you see a man that no longer needs your [satisfaction]
That’s ME, QUIS, a BEAST awaken from it’s [slumber], wasn’t SLEEP
but waited for an OPPORUNITY to surface from ground [under]
I’m a walking FURNACE, you NERVOUS and you [wonder]
Is he better, [stronger]
Now you tryin [Squander] the [newcomer]
afraid Im take the game from [yuh]
Well you should BE/
after all that crap y’all been giving ME
[Demotivation], [discriminated]
Even tho I Patiently [waited], but [face it], y’all never [praise it]
Never thought I’ll exceed y’all [expectations]
to the point y’all tryin have me [decapitated]
Burned alive, every cell [disintegrated], complete and total [annihilation]
But I wanna be [alienated]
So you can watch me come back with the full [invasion]
Fire [blazin], no [haven]
The nigga y’all thought y’all killed is BACK AT IT
I started RAPPIN and like the eyes of medusa you can’t help but [gaze it]/
So when they tried to COMEBACK IT and start ATTACKIN
They were frozen, got them in that stone-like [stasis]
And I get it, this was also your [passion]
And All wanted was a piece and your greedy ass want let me [have it]
So I told yuh, “that;s okay I’m just gonna come and [grab it]
And At the time I was a man with no [status]
So you thought that will never [happen]
game change like a [magic trick]
If y’all could see their [reaction] to the [havoc], like oh my god had me dead [laughin]
Over there like what the fuck just [happen]
Somebody’s spittin FIRE, Somebody is making these bitches lose ATTIRE
It’s the man with flaming BREATH
Damn y’all knew me before I introduce MYSELF
Shit I give y’all my full RESPECT
As y’all run screaming Quis has come back from Hell
I RESURRECT from the grave y’all tried to throw me [in].
Walking over me, so CASUALLY
ACTUALLY thought I was put to my [end]
didn’t do [shit], just gave me time to plan my [revenge] You [bitch]
Let me calm down, no need to get [dramatic]
Honestly I can’t kill a friend that once had my back
Even if they [backstab it]
Now don’t get me wrong, I will never forget the [savage]
You don’t think I see these bitches tryin hoe their way in on my [rations]
Now that they see me as a whole, They want a [fraction]
Comin at me like Quis I’m your biggest fan
But weren’t you the one who took what I love and [trash it]]
Hold up cut the BEAT cuz I wanna know why you TREATED ME like rotten [cabbage]
"Oh I was just showing you how people hate, you know that type of criticism so you can [surpass it]"
"Why you [laughing]"
[Verse 3: Spoken word Freestyle]
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About the Artist
Member since October 13 2015