goats are here
• Written by user152227800
I know I'm not good at rap I know I'm just crap but at least I can nap so why don't you
go tap on your app and try to learn rap because you don't really know crap and you
wish you could rap in a snap so slap your bubble wrap last night you got home
you saw a goat in a boat it was afloat in your coat so you got that goat
and put it in the moat then you went into the boat and I quote why
does this goat always eat my oats in my coat on my boat by the moat then you went
to bed and said I wish dead and it went to your head and now your in the shed making
your head into a sled then your gonna eat some bread in my bed and then your
gonna follow my lead into a good read in my shed out by my bed and this is all in
head then your in hell died in a day in the shade by the bay by the why you
still cant rap Werth a crap but you try all day out by the hay in bay bet you
wish you could be me raping all day into the night watching a fight all night in
my lambo by the pale moonlight your not even in my sights you wish you where me
because I'm the devil and have a house lambo or five I blow them up because
fun when I'm really high strung I make millions ever night thousands everyday
I'm above you you wish you where me rapping in the spotlight all day and night
having at fun at midnight
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About the Artist

Member since January 14 2018