Freestyle writing
• Written by Feellostinme
Trying to trigger my repressed schizophrenia
So I can dive into the sea of manic hysteria
And swim in the murky lake filled with bacteria
I know it doesn't seem quite clear to ya
But you can bet your bottom dollar
Regardless of my current state someday I will slaughter
All the parts of my mind that resembles my father's
Trying to severer the neural electrical wiring
In an attempt to stop the synapse from firing
Messages to the neurotransmitter I most desire.
For it has set my entire mind on fire
despite the destruction it's still a taste I acquire
And if I told you I stopped just know I'm a liar
But It's not my fault, it was predisposed
Within the family tree and my genetic code.
Now I'm trying to figure out just how to let it go.
And rewiring these impulses is the only way I know
What i was once so grateful and proud to hold
Has been tainted, fried, and covered with mold.
I stood witness to the sickness that started to grow
And instead of saving myself into the poison I willingly dove.
I can't help it, clearly I have no sense of control.
The dealer delt me a perfect hand but instead I decided to fold.