Greenson Warning Track: Venus Fl...

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Greenson, keep takin’ shots...
Yo, Yo, Yo,
Take this warning seriously...
Homosexual clout digging faggot...
[Pre-Verse one]
[You keep dissin’ r and r], but [you talk shit from afar], talkin’ shit in jiggy...
Venus flytrap tries poison me, he runs away, this faggot hidin’ in Illinois,
Keeps talkin’ shit but scared to [confront me], so ya’ buddies do a [popular front]
Give this Clout-digger 3 hits with a blunt to the ass,
You ridin’ Crbns dick Get off it man, what are you, his loyal stan?
[Verse one]
Okay bitch, holdin’ the gun from the handle, sayin’ you are better but you can’t hold a candle,
Can’t handle the recoil? Boil this man in his pot,
Fuckin’ Pothead Smokin’ his crack
Dissed me on a track, made some more threats, this is where this beef gets complex, The storms over? Bet. I think the storm’s goin’ over ya’ head
Drive by this drunk bitch shoot him in the mouth, Put his dead corpse in the trunk,
Sayin’ I lack experience, then get salty when I burn ya’ ass for ya’ sins,
I know true steerin’, knew it since I was ten, do you though? You can’t steer ya’ ass in a different direction, or maybe you got dedication to joinin’ drama!
Go call ya’ mama, she won’t do shit, she’s stuck in the bed, cum all over her head, maybe that’s why you only got some logic, you were born 2 weeks late,
let me get this fuckin’ idiotic green ass faggot’s mind straight
I’m a fuckin’ van in a pot hole? Well guess I ain’t the only one who can’t control, smokes 12 pounds of dope, then hope his diss is good
My style growin’ mold? Ya’ style is the style of a rap battles 6 year old
You don’t see the sky, cuz ya color blind, storm’s now a typhoon type 5
R and r isn’t ICP, “GwG” is like an ICP prodigy , quotin’ shit you just said, you hallucinating get off the LSDI don’t see why you got this shitty mentality stuck in ya head.
Deprived of personality? You only fuckin’ shitty if it counts as personality, It’s a possibility that we put a silencer on this Tech n9ne
[We got hypocrisy? That’s funny, because every bar you said can be considered hypocrisy!
[We got no ability? “That’s not a possibility”, Brain slime, you meant brain matter right? Well, Gwg “Goes time to time”,]
[Honestly, I’ve never seen acknowledgement in any of your shit, so why you a “hypocrite”,]
[Diss on r and r didn’t get a reaction, because it wasn’t a rappers attraction, so honestly you didn’t do shit.]
K2’s a mountain, not a drug screw off, fuckin’ 12 year old roleplay thug.

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Member since March 19 2019

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