Lil Fiji - The Real Lil Fiji

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Let's start off there's only one Lil Fiji in the rap scene
Lil Fiji has been the original already since I was 16
You a Fake ass copy cat with lame ass beats
True Phony, You're rhymes make my ears bleed
You haven't made shit in a long time, it's time to retire
Before you know it, you're search engine optimization will expire
When they google my name, bing shows me first, the real lil fiji
My beats are hot with flame, I laugh thinkin you can beat me
You don't even have a website, you're poser ass is greasy
Like Trump imma take a flight, show you how to be chiefly
Lil Fiji make major dough eventhough I used to be poor
Fiji from the tough ghetto, now i'm in my igloo feelin cool
Fiji the 5 gram bandit cause i had to toke it up with a friend
Wesley, Slick Vic, and Fiji will smoke weed to the bitter end
Fake Fiji comes off so artificial, your fans need to dismiss you
Lil Fiji goin to tell you this be official, material released new
Fiji works overtime with earthquake beats and rhymes
A Sellout is what you are snake, bars with bad vibes
Fake Fiji is a momma's boy that lives in mommy's basement
Real Fiji laughs when I see your fat ass tryin to be a replacement
Young Fiji is also what they used to call me, cause I sound like weezy
You never know I could show up pussy, Fiji goin on a killing spree
Who would've known the real Lil Fiji strikes like mike tyson
When's the last time you made a track, time to write some
Fake Fiji busy chasing down that crack, falling to the bottom
I'm a cool dude, and will out do you, so change your name
Admit it you're screwed, this is a major issues, this not a game
Chillin in Atlanta where I rep, I love my city an our raps
Delete all your shit off the internet, Fiji goin to have hella tracks
You're a fuck up and I think you need to get to shutting up
Fuck a club, I never ride solo, I always have backup
Strapped up like I was in the NRA, i'm not into the NBA
Just joking i'm not going to spray, Lil Fiji is here to stay

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About the Artist

Member since January 10 2020

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