Spit Spats

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I've been told to grow up so I've grown/
traded the trey 8 chrome for this microphone
N so lyrically ill have all your minds blown/
now im on my own, forgetting people I once known/
Why you may ask cuz they turned out fakes/
should have seen the slithering snakes/
but aye, u know what they say
/the evilest girls have the prettiest face/
Friends that claim they friends but don’t got your back in the end/
leave you left for dead and on your own to defend
Been deserted cuz I took a puff or two/
yeah I struggle with addiction, u judge/
but who the fuck are you/
so when I make it n overcome my demons then they’ll try to come back for a buck or two/
muthafuck u/
Should have known the friendship is weak compared to an addiction/
is life real, fake, made up fiction/
even a dictionary can’t provide my life with a definition
This world is getting dumber and dumber/
cuz we got people killing over color/
Crip kill a blood, blood kill a Crip/ life’s a movie and humans are the horror flick
I swear I’ve been living not more than a made up fantasy /
where dictatorship is under the name of democracy
I’m just an open wound waiting to be infected cuz no one bothers to cure me/
I wonder if I die would they bother to bury me/
I wanna die known so I’ll be in my casket as they carry me/
die a hero so they pass my story for me
See I’m high as hell right now/
see I’m high as hell right now/ if I’m high as hell doesn’t that mean I’m still underneath/
yet I wait for hell in a casket 6 feet deep
Im just a fire lit with in a big ol pile of ashes/
I wanna rest in peace so my new bed is my casket/
Finally a sleep dreaming mind in pretty deep/
literally cuz I’m at rest 6 feet underneath
My bars will have you flying to the gates of hell/
Life is a dream cuz nothing in this world is everlasting/
I can feel the world falling apart I can feel it collapsing
We’re going back to the age where people killed each other for survival/
the future could have destroyed us, sent us back to the past, it could be a cycle/
which is on repeat until we stop revolving issues using a rifle/
we won’t admit it but Hitler became our idol/
I’ll admit that I’m guilty cuz I don’t want no judge to judge me/
cuz that judge aint perfect, ill let the superior god judge me/
Next time someone tells you to be perfect tell umm your human
you aint bound to go for perfection/
cuz if you wanna be perfect then you better let that become your only profession/
You’ll try too hard and give yourself concussion/
Life is illustrated and made up of illusions/
they said death aint the answer cuz it’s my only solution
The key question everyone wonders is what is life/
it don’t matter as long as you know what is wrong and what’s right/
and your mind aint thinking like the third Reich/
then you should be fine in this life
Life’s short one moment you healthy the other you on life support/
life changes one moment you in school, the other you stealing and in court/
They said the word of the people matter, so I let people debate me, contemplating me, hate me, and now in a sense I got them to even help me
/They told me my mind was to unpredictable/ if that’s the case, well I just written out my own gospel
Taking words out of it like I’m spiritually spitting from the bible/Jews kill Jesus I’m a take that a little personal/ yet I got homies waiting for this man’s arrival
My soul is on fire, its lit, don’t that mean hell is inside of it/
I got people listen to me like im a prophet/ this world has come to the point where people only live to profit/ so they lost all the positive only to fill up their wallet
This world can’t agree on much anymore such as evolution/ so just add an R and you can start a revolution

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About the Artist

Member since December 21 2019

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