Glass Half Full

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This Just a Message for How I perceive of the Things going on:
just delivering to ya all
Hey, this world is a stunning planet, we call earth
That's worth living and loving but under a curse
Wonder y they gunning down everything like a faggot
never let out the bad habit ! dammit !!
be it half empty half full, whats left is only handfull
take a detour to find stature in our life
ask a stranger what are you like, their tears and smile aim a strike
make random sweet talks, with a vibe to upbeat your own thoughts
defeat the flaws, compete for applauds, positive dialogues we no underdogs
I play basketball just a rookie, and these afterthoughts just so spooky
but u still don't worry,have the hope that u can cope and not slit your throat
life's not a joke but live life that's so dope
that the words you spoke become quotes, be a GOAT
go get stoned to float, but your fun mode should not get choked
these snake like fake mates, show them the gates
have a date, call her babe, start from a new slate
but never forget, most things we cry for are man-made,
don't let it outweigh or to make you afraid and violate
just appreciate yourself, cause u matter
and navigate to a path where you don't get scattered
they manipulate discriminate, you motivate not intimate
that will eliminate bad choices and sad voices...
so the game is on, you move on while singing this song
Hey, this world is a stunning planet, we call earth
That's worth loving but under a curse
Wonder y they gunning down everything like a faggot
never let out the bad habit! dammit
Nature looking for answers, trees need to be planted
but us, we burning & making oils in gallons
tearing this planet in silence
hey when we stop, be a tsunami earthquake or the damaged hope
take one step and two hops, to improve a lot
not just to fill the pockets out candid moments
but to embrace the comets like cosmic diamonds
and feel the fresh air not the car fuel cause that's unfair
no birds to stare that's everywhere
or tigers we get scared to which not seen anywhere
doesn't matter you a billionaire or millionaire
if you don't love, solitary is whats there
please do shine cause we got our warning
not once or twice, now we left hanging so me rapping
for the cause, maybe it helps to flipping the slipping chance
living life here always a romance,
just sad how hard it gets, for the people lost, trapped with debts
by the money we made, life's always at stake
by the caste we share have to be prayed or the weak who's slayed used as a bait
to make the sufferings fade
Hey, this world is a stunning planet, we call earth
That's worth loving but under a curse
Wonder y they gunning down everything like a faggot
never let out the bad habit! dammit

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About the Artist

Member since March 25 2020

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