choose, use wisely 2
• Written by user672329622
who said sticks and stones brake bones but words do not hurt
tell my man shut up, they hurt words really hurt
wounds made from sticks and stones heal over time but wounds mad from words never really heal
choose your words Wisely, yeah use your words wisely
respect how much power words have and the impact the have when spoken they can make you do a u turn on life's path and go in a complete new direction, words have powers to bring a person tears, tears of joy, happiness, hurt, sadness words can bring them all, words have the power to encourage and inspire the power to hit my man like a wrecking ball bring him to the floor and destroy behind repair
choose your words wisely and use your words wisely
yeah repeat above
words are powefull there free and they can come easily but use them wrongly they become costly just wait and see
choose your words wisely and use your words wisely because words alone if chose and used wisely by all can make this world a better place full of joy and happiness, encouragement and inspirations from words we have spoken because they are so power full
so join me today and
choose your words wiseley and use your words wisely I say choose your words wisely and use them very wisely
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Member since June 4 2020