no insta remix

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People in your life will come and go
That’s life you can’t do nuttin about it bro
Only the true ones will never leave yooo
I need to forget , gimme a drink on the go
since i was young, all the smoke getting in the lung,
running in the streets being a thug
that's why probaly i've elarned a lot of things that my bro trust me
you will probably never ever see,
listen to the beat cos is gonna take away,
running running cos im tryna win the game
i've grew differently bro we ain' the same
took a plane man going overseas yay
since i was a kid , kept fighting i've never quit,
road to success is all stairs no lift ,
dealing with people in real life is different than insta
cos everyone behind socials could be a trickster.
that's why im staying real in all this cold
when you gonna try to buy the gold it will be out of stock ,
cos i would of bought it all faster than ushain bolt,
said all of this i finsihed my bit , frankoman99 no insta.

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About the Artist

Member since October 9 2020

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