Untitled Song

• Written by 

This one's for you Leon,
I woke in a nest with a spade in my left toe
Seeing people lying dying in the at sea
Hair blue and lights electric yellow at the end of my words
Wine everywhere turf on the floor
My mother looking in the crowd saw nothing inside
Fear seeping in the overcrowded phone booth
Far away a bunch of sirens yelling to the deep tin
A man stabbed in the back litter covering the path
Truths flying around me unknowing where they tinkle
The ceilings of crumbling houses made of blood red stones
Beetles crawling on ceilings believers swimming in gutters
I wonder why the computers don’t respond to my wrath
Tired and gruesome heroes and I don’t know why
Empty calls and pockets with no money to smoke
Surprised I am still abandoned surprised I’m staring at you
And everywhere the flashlights speaking of this crazy spots

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About the Artist

Member since December 22 2020

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