This is a song about "Innocent"

The innocent children, driven in the wrong division

So just let me get it, girlwhen it's all said and done

Into all the innocent kids,

Good rhythm, bad women and better lyrics

All the innocent little children

Keanu reeves, they tell me i’m the one

I'll eat a rap for breakfast, fuckin wreck it then i burp and belch

Gotta vent, lot of innocent lives lost on the project bench

And giving peppermint candy to innocent kids

And we don't fucking make horrorcore, you fucking idiots

Long as i have my p and my 3 meals, smoke the thc, roll mean blunts as big as king kongs wifes cunt

I feel a taser shot of electric fillin adrenaline like a hardcore criminal ruled innocent

Went out and had a church of kids

To burn innocent rabbits