Battles  Jason_The_Best vs JimmyRhymes


Jimmy it's not hard to get a girlfriend dude You are weird for what you are doing.

Max of 18 lines


JimmyRhymes won this battle!


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Battle on June 9 2024 and Battle on July 3 2024


  • Jimmy why the fuck do you choose a sex doll over a real female
  • I still can't get over that shit it's a funny tale
  • Just look at a fat ass like myself I still got a beautiful women with me
  • If I can do it I don't see why you can't please tell me please
  • If a fat man can get laid a guy with autism can get laid
  • Additionally you shouldn't get sex by getting it paid
  • Or else that makes you a fucking loser
  • Now get off your lazy weird ass and turn off your computer


  • Not this shit again, I told your stupid ass before
  • I have no interest in getting a girlfriend or explore
  • Also you don't have a girlfriend either that's a fact
  • Once I'm done with this verse for all your bullshit that's a wrap
  • Judge me all you want I don't care, but I'll give you reasonable reasons
  • For one she doesn't talk, most women talk nonstop in a constant sequence
  • And the things they talk about don't appeal to me and it has no meaning
  • It's full of drama and gossiping and it just has me daydreaming
  • Second, it's already difficult to date due to their stupid standards
  • I have to be perfect, she doesn't, if I fail her standards I'm a bastard
  • If she fails to meet my standards, people would think it doesn't matter
  • To me it's a double standard, you don't see this disaster
  • Third, Most women I meet have no manners just rude and aggressive
  • I like women who are super nice and understanding not offensive
  • Forth, most are fake face, fake body, I don't really find them much fun
  • They can't grasp the concept of loyalty and would cheat on me with someone
  • Fifth, My woman friend just has all the qualities for me that's appealing
  • I'm happy that's all that matters your fat on the outside but empty inside feeling

Cookin' something up, just wait a sec...