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From Hell to Earth and Back again

  1. Yeah life never felt so good, never thought that the
  2. Luxury of food would make my stomach full,
  3. Remember the days kaze when we had nothing but just some
  4. Crumbs of bread left, mom depressed, older brother under arrest
  5. Life back then was such a fucking mess, god had something even more
  6. Sinister written for us, cuz big brother took 12 stabs to the chest
  7. While being in his conquest for a better life but now he won't witness
  8. the continuing rest
  9. But I'm still lost in this world walking the same path as
  10. The proclaimed fallen angel that I always was, the madness
  11. Sometimes takes a still moment and makes me realize how beautiful
  12. This Hell can be, so much potential and possible good that only seems
  13. today that it's going to literal waste, Hell, Earth and back again,
  14. Still don't know when the End is near, will I die and burn in eternal flames
  15. Or will I enter through the silver cities doors, is there still hope
  16. Or is it already over, constant nightmares make me not sleep at night
  17. Poppin' pills after pills but the shit still doesn't fucking change, it's like I'm cursed
  18. Reliving the endless loop for eternity, can't tell anymore the difference between
  19. Reality and insanity, set for life financially but still there is no peace with my mentality
  20. What are going to do? From Hell to Earth and Back again the shit never ends
  21. Stuck watching the flashbacks in my head From Hell to Earth and Back again the shit never ends
  22. Waiting for the moment till death takes me away From Hell to Earth and Back again the shit never ends




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