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Lyrical Analysis of...

Drug King

  1. One time I had a party with some buddies in my house
  2. I took a bunch of percs which sent me straight to the clouds
  3. At some point in the night, I got really fucking mad
  4. I told those assholes to leave and never come back
  5. Kicked all of em out like a motherfucking soccer play
  6. Most of them were smart enough to obey and cooperate
  7. But one idiot tried to challenge me, he refused to go out the door
  8. I had to throw him out of the house using physical force
  9. He called the police on me like a motherfucking snitch
  10. I ended up spending the night in jail cause of that bitch
  11. But I’ve been in prison before for much longer than a day
  12. So in the grand scheme of things I guess it all turned out okay
  13. But I become a dangerous motherfucker when I’m high
  14. When I take opiates or LSD I kiss my morals goodbye
  15. Most people would use that as motivation to become sober
  16. But I made it my mission to do drugs till my life’s over
  17. I’ll never stop, I’ve been popping shit since I was 13
  18. I remember that day in 8th grade when I was introduced to lean
  19. I got idiots lecturing me about the dangers of addiction
  20. They think I’m letting these drugs put me in submission
  21. I hate all those motherfucking self righteous prudes
  22. Who abstain from drugs like a goody two shoes
  23. Those pussies strut around with their noses in the air
  24. Acting like their purity is a badge of honor they wear
  25. They’re just too scared to reach out of their comfort zones
  26. They cling to their boring lives cause they’re terrified of the unknown
  27. I hope all of those cucks enjoy their bland, pathetic existence
  28. But I’ll fight back if those dumbfucks try to put me out of business




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