Drug King

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One time I had a party with some buddies in my house
I took a bunch of percs which sent me straight to the clouds
At some point in the night, I got really fucking mad
I told those assholes to leave and never come back
Kicked all of em out like a motherfucking soccer play
Most of them were smart enough to obey and cooperate
But one idiot tried to challenge me, he refused to go out the door
I had to throw him out of the house using physical force
He called the police on me like a motherfucking snitch
I ended up spending the night in jail cause of that bitch
But I’ve been in prison before for much longer than a day
So in the grand scheme of things I guess it all turned out okay
But I become a dangerous motherfucker when I’m high
When I take opiates or LSD I kiss my morals goodbye
Most people would use that as motivation to become sober
But I made it my mission to do drugs till my life’s over
I’ll never stop, I’ve been popping shit since I was 13
I remember that day in 8th grade when I was introduced to lean
I got idiots lecturing me about the dangers of addiction
They think I’m letting these drugs put me in submission
I hate all those motherfucking self-righteous prudes
Who abstain from drugs like a goody-two-shoes
Those pussies strut around with their noses in the air
Acting like their purity is a badge of honor they wear
They’re just too scared to reach out of their comfort zones
They cling to their boring lives cause they’re terrified of the unknown
I hope all of those cucks enjoy their bland, pathetic existence
But I’ll fight back if those dumbfucks try to put me out of business

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Member since May 2 2024

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