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New begging
- I used to rap like every one else.
- Goo at I took as good as your top five but hell,
- Is putting rappers in a casket really lyrical wealth.
- Is the pride and worship or self
- Really worth the smell
- Of the demons that would help me [spell](witch craft spell/spell a word)
- And cast away the holy Spirit.
- It was my witch craft or at least the nearest
- Excuse to abandon God to pretend I had power.
- That would expell a problem in an hour.
- But what's the point of paper
- If you got access to a calculator.
- I would count bars but never count the savior.
- When the pen ran out of ink and the pages began to waver
- He was always there asking for not a single favor.
- Just to talk to him so he could help me later.
- Didn't always like him but always had him in my life like an annoying neighbor
- Knocking on your door asking you to keep the noise down.
- Little did I know he was trying to save me from the sea of demons before I drown.
- And I nearly did. To busy
- Smoking weed, Poppin pills, getting tipsy
- Watching porn and taking psychedelics till it hit me.
- About what I was missing.
- You see when I was little my aunt left me in a cage.
- And I didn't leave it till today.
- Cause when all your life all you knew is pain.
- You become addicted to it like a substance that you take.
- Because it's a drug and trauma just a gateway.
- Cause every addiction. Is just self hate.
- But it gets to a point where it starts to physically weigh.
- To the point you break.
- And grab the blade.
- I used to use it against my skin to write my name.
- Because cause if I didn't get a fix I felt I was going insane.
- And that ain't a metaphor
- Attempted suicide thirteen times but when I got close it's like I met a door
- Hung my self till I was past suffocating and my head was sore.
- But every time death ignore
- This made me angry and crazy and they put me in meds for sure.
- In and out of mental institutions about the same amount of time as a white man's credit score
- Didn't talk to God till 2021 but didn't make him God till 2024.
- Haven't yet
- Bowed my head
- Just made false vows instead.
- But I'm sharping up before the pin seal and I'm left
- By the one who [led](pin seal/pencil,led as in the past tense of leading/the material)
- Cause this Satan's world but his rule is soon endin.
- So before it's too late, I'm turning to a new beginning.
- John 14:6
- “I am the way, the truth, and the life.
- No one comes to the father except through me"
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