Battles  GoldenShower vs Godlik3


No rules!

Max of 36 lines


Godlik3 won this battle!


  • Nathan Pierce, 14, was hiking with his dad and brother
  • On the Appalachian Trail in Pennsylvania
  • When a hiker they had met earliet called
  • And told them he had fallen and was badly hurt
  • Nate and his dad backtracked down the trail
  • They encountered three rattlesnakes before finding their friend
  • With a deep punctured wound under his chin
  • They bandaged the injury before starting the treacherous hike
  • To the closest town to get him more treatment
  • Nate and his dad met up with Nate’s brother
  • On a road near the trail
  • Another hiker had a car nearby
  • And drove Nate’s friend to a hospital
  • Where he was treated for his injuries and a concussion
  • He later recovered
  • Life Scout Nathan Pierce, a member of Troop 457
  • Chartered to the Brussels American School
  • Parent, Teacher and Student Organization
  • In Brussels, Belgium received a Heroism Award for his actions
  • He helped save the victims of a crash
  • Nicholas Wood, 16, was driving near Lake Purdy, Alabama
  • When he came across an overturned SUV in a roadside ditch
  • And pulled over to help
  • Nicholas used a bystander’s hammer
  • To break the SUV’s rear window
  • Freeing the trapped passengers
  • Two off-duty firefighters then helped Nicholas move them
  • Safely away from the vehicle
  • One victim had suffered a mafor laceration on his head
  • Nicholas applied pressure to control the bleeding
  • Until first responders arrived
  • Life Scout Nicholas John Wood, a member of Troop 76
  • Chartered to Grace, a United Methodist Congregation
  • In Birmingham, Ala, received a Heroism Award for his actions


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  • Ay, bitch, I thought I told yo ass the get the fuck off this site.
  • Fat asshole, how is it possible to be more wide?
  • Than Jason, but you make it a possibility.
  • And when we get on this shit, it gon' get bloody.
  • You never saved nobody, after all, you eat children.
  • Matter of fact, how did you sneak an iPad into prison?
  • Awaitin' death row, now you gon' spend yo final days.
  • Talkin' shit and fake shit to look like a hero, plus you already get blazed.
  • Nate saved lives, while you rape any woman that don't worship you.
  • More retarded than a sped kid, you probably eat glue.
  • Go back to watchin' child porn, you fat bitch.
  • Somehow, this dickhead brainswahed KO into suckin' his dick.
  • No girl will go within 36 miles of you, so that was your last resort.
  • You're probably Mystery_X's alt, I can see why the doctors almost chose to abort.
  • You. It's also fuckin' obvious you never had a dad.
  • You probably never had a mom either, and if you did, she was a man.

Cookin' something up, just wait a sec...